An Osteopathic Approach is considering the whole body during evaluation and treatment of any injury or dysfunction.


Your Body is one Functional Unit

The foundation of an Osteopathic approach is grounded in the principle that all parts of the body function together as a unit. Following this integrative nature, if any one part of a system is restricted due to disease/ injury/ trauma/ overuse, the rest of the body will adapt.

However, depending on the culmination of stressors in one’s body, they may struggle to adapt, and compensatory patterns develop which overloads a system(s) beyond its intended capacity. This is when symptoms may ensue, such as pain, inflammation, stiffness, or other health conditions.


What to expect

During your appointments with Marjorie:

60 minute 1 on 1 Consultations involving Manual Therapy, Education, and Movement.

During which Marjorie completes a full evaluation to investigate the underlying sources and contributing factors of your current issues, followed by the corresponding treatment.

Hands-on Approach

The Goal of an Osteopathic Approach is to improve overall health and well-being by improving the mobility of all structures, thus reducing pain, and enhancing function.


“SEeing, Thinking, Feeling Fingers”.

W.G Sutherland, D.O

- Myofascial techniques

- Muscle Energy Techniques

- Osteo-articular joint mobilizations

- Cranial techniques

- Visceral techniques

- Strain Counterstrain Techniques

“The application of manual Techniques is only as good as one’s assessment. how and when certain techniques are used is the real art of one’s practice. “