Curiosity. Exploration. Discovery

Marjorie compares the practice of a therapist to that of a detective who combines Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery.

Marjorie sees Curiosity as a persistent wonder of how and why something works or doesn’t work. When clients come to see her because they are experiencing pain or dysfunction, short term or chronic, Marjorie is curious to find out what factors have played a part in producing the current state. These factors often include: previous injuries or traumas, sports or hobbies, job/vocation, postures/movement patterns, the emotional body, etc.

Marjorie sees Exploration as an in-depth evaluation of how the factors relate to each ‘structure’ in the body. Contemporary thought in therapeutic circles allows that everything is connected in the body. Embracing this thought, Marjorie sees her therapeutic role as understanding HOW each of these factors are connected or related to symptoms or concerns. For example, did things go ‘off-centre’ in the body resulting in pain or dysfunction, is the pain related to a current or previous trauma or injury, are other parts of the body impacted and could this cause pain or dysfunction later on in life?

Finally, Discovery relates to therapeutic integration or ‘teasing’ the factors into revealing their secrets so, together, we can determine a relevant course of treatment which will result in wellness and body unity.

In her practice, combined with her undergraduate education in Kinesiology and Physiotherapy, Marjorie uses an osteopathic approach from her current study in Osteopathic Manual Therapy. This is all in addition to her life experiences that have molded her into the Practitioner Marjorie is today. She believes there is always an artistic expression of the science behind any therapeutic approach and each therapist is different in how they apply their knowledge and skills to help people.

She would be honored to use her skills to assist you on your journey toward wellness.

Marjorie Walker, BScPT, Bkin


Student of Osteopathy